[REAPP] Dmau5
It's been a month since my last app, and I believe I am ready to apply with the best hopes of being accepted.
Background Introduction
Name: Alex
Nationality: American
Age: 18
GMT: -5:00
My name is Alex, I'm 18 years old and I'm from San Antonio, Texas (Go Spurs). I'm going to be attending the University of Texas at San Antonio in a few months; I enjoy DJing, gaming, and computers
. I've played Toribash for some-4 years now, and I believe I have a full grasp of the concept and mechanics of this game
Why would I like to join?
I believe that Tribe has a large variety of extremely experienced and professional players. Tribe is an elite clan to say the least, and I would be extremely proud to call myself a member. This clan has a very stringent process of doing things, which results in a top notch clan. I believe I could better Tribe by not only growing because of all the members, but growing with them as well. I can say that of all the clans I've seen recently, Tribe sticks out like a sore thumb. Not only are you guys active all the time, but your in-game skills are unparalleled. It's astonishing, honestly. It's as if each of you have a skill, or a mod that you completely dominate at; then you put it all together to form Tribe. It's a clan filled with nothing less than perfection and yet you still find ways to make it better; and that, is why I would like to join Tribe.
Toribash Background
Alternates: BIack, N9ght
Belt: 3rd Dan
Rank: 1013
Win%: 48.73
Activeness (In-Game) 2 hours a day
Activeness (Forum/IRC) 14 hours a day. Tribe forum is open as soon as I wake up every day. I'm in IRC all day unless I am traveling or at an event.
Groups: None
Previous Clans: Clan, Red, Tint
I consider myself very talented at any variant of Aikido, Wushu, and Lenshu mods. I also consider myself an above average replay maker. Replays that you might have seen from me are Enigma, Sailboats, and I Am Death. These 2 talents are rivaled by what I like to think is my biggest skill: Flexibility. I can pick up mods after 1 or 2 matches, and play as if I had been playing them for months at a time. I take pride in my flexibility as it has not only made me a very adaptable and accomplished player, but it has also given me the opportunity to meet new, sociable players in the Toribash community.My weaknesses would probably be that I don't have any MP replays that are recent. When I don't have the chance to be online, I.E: When I'm traveling, I find myself on Toribash making SP replays, which is why I think I've gotten pretty good at it. Trial and error is the way to go with SP replays, and I've errored quite a bit in my trials.
Thank you for considering me as an applicant, and for taking the time to review this application. I wish the best of luck to each of you, and to Tribe as a whole. This clan is extremely well put together, and I know that it has a big future ahead of it. Replays will be provided below. Thank you very much
Edit: Added RKMMA replay
Last edited by DMau5; Jul 1, 2014 at 05:51 AM.