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I've got some sort of condition where I always lose in the semi finals of every single tournament I've been in, except 500tc tourneys.

I'm really sick of losing every semifinal, and would love to win a tourney one day.

I would love if someone could teach me how to play random mods such as judofrac, mushu ect.

And any advice on how to avoid nerves and anything to help me pass the semi finals, I would greatly appreciate.
When I'm next in-game, probably in an abd/aikido/greykido/judofrac tourney, join me and I'll give a helping hand for realsies.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Well for the nerves side of things,
you could always /opt chat 0
ignore what people say, you don't have to impress anyone, you don't have to impress those noobs who fanboy over you because your 10th dan.
idk, sorry if I wasted your time haha.
Hoped it helped.
It depends. If u just want to win then just shovel and leg grab. However, there are some consequences such as losing reputation :/
Before the tourney starts make sure you're last in line so you have more time to look how people play. If you see people do a similar play style and they people who do that style win just look at how they play and try do it your self
I hate all games
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
I've got some sort of condition where I always lose in the semi finals of every single tournament I've been in, except 500tc tourneys.

It's not a condition, it's just you being nervous/mildly distracted or your opponent has been doing that mod for a while.
I have never won a tournament, but I do know the competition is much more intense in official tournaments than 500tc ones.
When you're fighting in the semi finals, think of the positives, it usually centers my focus on the goal.

"I made it this far, I can get through this."
"If I lose, there's always next time."
"Gee golly gosh I sure do wonder how I made everyone else feel when I beat them."
"Just do something similar to what I did last time and I'm golden."

Remember, there will always be someone who can do something better than you.
It's life.
'°o[Ethr♥][My Music][B.A.W.S.]o°'
If you always use the same technique (not sure if you do) then by the semi finals your opponent will realise this and will know what to expect this lowering your chances of winning. Not sure if this is the actual problem but it is worth a try.
Good morning sweet princess
dont worry about winning losing, and then there will be no reason to stress out. If you focus on rank too much, then you will have too much at stake if you lose. Try to remember what it felt like to play before you were a blackbelt
aint nothing to it but to do it