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I've got some sort of condition where I always lose in the semi finals of every single tournament I've been in, except 500tc tourneys.
It's not a condition, it's just you being nervous/mildly distracted or your opponent has been doing that mod for a while.
I have never won a tournament, but I do know the competition is much more intense in official tournaments than 500tc ones.
When you're fighting in the semi finals, think of the positives, it usually centers my focus on the goal.
"I made it this far, I can get through this."
"If I lose, there's always next time."
"Gee golly gosh I sure do wonder how I made everyone else feel when I beat them."
"Just do something similar to what I did last time and I'm golden."
Remember, there will always be someone who can do something better than you.
It's life.