Original Post
[Art] Old and new stuff.
Figured I'd post some of my new stuff, and older stuff on here and see what you guys think of it. Meh

WARNING: Files may be large. There are quite a few. Open at your own risk, laddies.

Anatomy attempt

Arm doodle

Arm doodle #2

Err, face guy thing.


I also had gotten in photography for a little while. Wasn't great at it.

Yuna, the deaf kitten.

Puck, the little sh__t f__k

Spiderbro I found on a rose.

My ol' ragdoll cat.

Water drop.

My ex-lady model. F___ing b_____

The cute little shroomies. :')

Last edited by wes446; Jun 30, 2014 at 02:41 PM.