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How to jump towards your opponent instead of jumping away
Im not necessarily new to the game of toribash i had and alt account but with wushu i can never seem to go back to my opponent. And also if you guys could answer a question it would help to, lets say u kicked someone or just jumped wrong as soon as u saw yourself flying off would u prepare for going back or wait until u hit the ground?
Ever Tryed Moisho?
Have your weight leaning towards where u want to go...If your flying backwards all your energy is going backwards, so you cant redirect until you establish a good footing and get your weight/engery going back to your opponent. Some stances work better. Theres pretty much nothing you can do if you're flying away from your opponent until you land that is. but in wushu it might be too late.
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When you fly away, you should prepare to get in a position that is good for a come back, then when you land you can launch towards them almost immediately, instead of flopping around until your get into a good stance. Contracting your wrists can help you too. c:
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
There are certain stances which work well. I am an aikido player so I can't give exact advice but some stances are probably effective in all mods. Try landing with the one leg outstretched pointing towards where you want to go and the other one with its knee bent pointing in the opposite direction. It will probably only work if you are quite close to the ground with your body (if you play aikido then you will be familiar with the defensive starfish position, this is like that but with one bent knee).

I hope this works/helps.
Also use your arms when jumping, they can give a lot of momentum using the shoulders and pecs.
Last edited by Zelda; Jul 4, 2014 at 02:55 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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