Original Post
So I made a new video with After Effects and this is what I got.

Chilledon gave me a little help.

After Effects
same thing i said about last video, transitions, some sync, camera position and angles, etc

the pan/crop would have been way better if you synced it with actual hits in the replay as well
Why do you always use the same clips

Sync is far better

Needs some screen pumps at the hits ye
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions

friendly reminder that this song has indeed been used before kappa kappa kappa

anyhow, you're getting better

sync was okay

but please don't use screenpumps. it would've looked much better if you gradually zoomed it in or something else. hell you could've just left it as it is - no panning w/e. screenpumps are just shit, no matter who does them. it's like

oh look i suck at doing my camera so i compensate with fancy panning
Last edited by Humper; Jul 4, 2014 at 03:08 PM.
I play games and lift weights.
video showed promise but its pacing was definitely off
instead of starting at the starting t pose at the first frame of the replay cut off the first 50 frames so the clips fit together a bit more smoothly
your (only) transition was extremely slow and then you ham fisted the fade in

i like your cc though its smooth and fits the song well
also now that humper pointed them out, i was actually ok with your screen pumps simply because of the lack of motion everywhere else
i know you didnt do it on purpose but i like that you compensated for the lack of motion going on in the replay with screen pumps without being obnoxious about it
make another one i like you
Last edited by Isolations; Jul 4, 2014 at 03:43 PM.
I had synced where Skipy kicked the torso where biggie says "Bow, why you punch me in my face" but AE crashed and I said fuck it, thanks guys for the CnC tho