Clan League 2014
So Clan League 2014 is going to happen soon and blah blah blah you know what this is.
judofrac.tbm - everyfuckingbody
Greykido.tbm - everyfuckingbody
Lenshu3ng.tbm - everyfuckingbody
erthTKv2.tbm - everyfuckingbody
There's also a wildcard mod which is different each round.
So yeah. Once I know which one the first one is, you can say you want that too.
Who's going to play which mods right?
Say which one you want to paly here even though it'll probably not happen.
A little planning ahead is never too much not even if it's ignored.
Guess what?
This thread has a function!
Mainly for other clans but seeing your names on a post is satisfying.
So, let the "i want this" posts begin!
Last edited by fudgiebalz; Jul 22, 2014 at 09:59 PM.
Reason: people and forgot wildcard stuff