Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
sever Commando's
/set = see settings
/reset=reset match
/set ed =engage distance
/set eh= engage height
/set er=engage rotation
/set dt= dismember threshold
/set ft= fracture threshold
/set tf=turn frames
/set mf=match frames
/set dismemberment = obvious
/set fracture = obvious
/set dq = disqualification
/set ds = dojosize
/set mod [Exact mod name] = change the mod
/set desc =server name
/set motd = message when you enter server
/set experience [number of matches] = Belt requirement
/set qj 0=none 1= uke slot in queue 2 first slot in queue etc)
/set gravity x z y = Gravity
/set minbelt [matches] = minimum belt
/set maxbelt [matches] = maximum belt

Flags = Change the game flags. Here a list of them.
Server Flags:
Flag 1 DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = yes
Flag 2 DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = yes
Flag 3 DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = yes
Flag 4 DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 5 DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 6 DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 7 DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 8 DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 9 DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 10 DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 11 DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 12 DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = no
Flag 13 DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = no
Flag 14 DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = no
un-Flag 15 DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = no
Flag 16 DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = yes

# flag 1 - normal
# flag 6 - instagib / inta-intagib
# flag 12 - instagib
# flag 16 - body_ungrippable
# flag 32 - dq_disable

Now onto other commands:
/status= Get player's IP
/kick [ID] = Kick player
/ban [player's IP] = Ban player
/fban {player'sIP] = KickBan player
/mute [player's name] = Mute's specified player
/unmute [player's name] = Unmute's specified player
/fspec [playername] forces player to spec
/fenter [playername] forces a player to enter queue
/scramble scrambles queue
/nudgeup[down] [playername] puts a player 1 spot higher[or lower] in the queue
/knockout gah donno how to describe >.>
/cp Puts text in the center.
Then the /op commands...

Holy mother. They should have implemented an easy-to-use interface for admin commands. It's not like everyone is born tech savvy.

/set ed 1000
/set tf 1000
/set mf 1000
/set eh 1000
/set er 1000
/set gravity 0.00 0.00 -9.86 First is Z, 2nd is Y, last is X.
/set dq timeout 1000
/set ds 1000 Dojo Size
/set dq 0/1 0 - Off 1 - On
/set mod crushercogs.tbm (example)
/fspec [name] Force player to Spectate
/kick [name] Kick player
/fenter [name] Force player to Enter queue
/knockout Loser spectates, Winner stays on
/ban [name] Player is banned from entering server
/!report [name] Report player (calls a ToriAgent/Admin)

Belt Color Belt Color Number of matches

White 0
Yellow 20
Orange 50
Green 100
Blue 200
Brown 500
Black 1000
2th Dan 2000
3th Dan 3000
4th Dan 4000
5th Dan 5000
6th Dan 6000
7th Dan 7000
8th Dan 8000
9th Dan 9000
10th Dan 10000
Master Belt 15000
Custom Belt 20000
God Belt 50000
[fl0w][OoT][OLDA][Team Wushu]
hans it was yet a server command thread u'll can update it but no problem i will do tha t at the tim thank u anywayz