Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Will be less active for a while
ok i didnt post this in absence thread cause odds r i might still get a chance to check forums once a day at most.. so i wont b gone

but ya, this weekend i move into my dorm at college and after that i have alot of orientation stuff and paperwork to do on campus... so thats y im gonna b sort of gone..

at most it will be for one week starting on friday... maybe less..

anyway in the meantime if anything like new members or other ldr stuff comes up and im not around, direct ur concerns to one of our two co-ldrs, buttc and tortle

ok... now i gotta finish packing and stuff, cya guys soon and to my co-ldrs... dont make any extremely rash decisions while im away ( *looks at buttc* xD )

bye, im off to college experience!
NIGY =P U are moving closer to me (well temp place) =P

*starts driving to nigbelch's dorm*
Hope u have fun!
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
lol cya there koe

btw: if koe applys to join (i invited him in) this is like my official post of approval for him into the clan... he been talking to me bout leaving his old clan for a while and i think he has a lot to contribute to the clan, besides that he's also a fun guy in-game, excels in a variety of mods, and is D34DGuy's younger brother.

idk if u still wanted to join koe, but if u do talk to buttc, and she get u on officially and on the members list n stuff, and ya post alot if u get in (makes other ppl want to post more

cya later wen i land in NY
:O omg finally i set up my internet here at my dorm!

well im here in NY, still not quite settled in yet but just checking in..

ill check forums more now but i dont think u'll c me in-game for at least 1-3 more days

well ya hope to talk to u guys soon, pm me if something urgent and ill get bak to u