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[Tex] Max (Set WIP)
Hello all! So I was bored, and looking around. I had gotten a request for a HD anime set, and I started to surf for ideas on the internet to fit this request. And I found this image:

I thought he was the cutest damn thing I evr' did see! So. Why the hell not. Im working on a set to match this little bundle of joy!

Do note: All art aside from the original image is COMPLETELY hand done. There is NO C/P involved aside from a small amount of tracing in some very hard areas. I hope to finish this set, and hopefully put er' up for sale! Im open to suggestions and questions! Lets try to make this sucker blossom!


For some odd reason, the shading isn't very clear in any of the images other than the flat. So keep that in mind.
Originally Posted by shotguna99 View Post
To draw I used, and to model I used Autodesk Mudbox.

Last edited by Arthur; Jul 18, 2014 at 12:07 PM.
Nice head. I like the cartoon-y style. Some harder shadows could really make it pop if you want that sort of look.

The head seems a bit shifted up to me. If you could rotate the head ~15 degrees down I think it'd look much better (Or just shift the texture down).

Also there's a weird circle where the neck fur meets the mouth fur. The circle kinda makes the texture look weird at certain angles. I'd either fill the circle with white, or separate the neck fur from the mouth fur (Maybe by layers).
To draw I used, and to model I used Autodesk Mudbox. Kind of used both to shape it all together tho!
Arthur Moderated Message:
You should've included that in the first post.
Last edited by Arthur; Jul 18, 2014 at 12:06 PM.
That looks really good. Are you gonna add full joints too?
-Ermac begotten soul - begotten ninja @KillshiftGamers-Parkour/Spar forever-[Origin] my story has just begun
This head is really good but cj has a good idea. If u can buy cat eats and wear it with that head it will be awesome.
[Duelist] ~ [Art collector] ~ [♡ Liquor♡] ~ [TeamJudo] ~ [TA] ~ [RMO]
Joints are going to be added, and yes I have actually been conforming the head to fit with ears. However getting the ears to see how it looks is a different story haha! But I have been told that the different type of facial fur is inflicting the overall design. Do you guys agree? Should I keep it simple like before?
Last edited by Genjin; Jul 19, 2014 at 08:02 PM.