[Tex] Max (Set WIP)
Hello all! So I was bored, and looking around. I had gotten a request for a HD anime set, and I started to surf for ideas on the internet to fit this request. And I found this image:
I thought he was the cutest damn thing I evr' did see! So. Why the hell not. Im working on a set to match this little bundle of joy!
Do note: All art aside from the original image is COMPLETELY hand done. There is NO C/P involved aside from a small amount of tracing in some very hard areas. I hope to finish this set, and hopefully put er' up for sale! Im open to suggestions and questions! Lets try to make this sucker blossom!
For some odd reason, the shading isn't very clear in any of the images other than the flat. So keep that in mind.
Originally Posted by
To draw I used Paint.net, and to model I used Autodesk Mudbox.
Last edited by Arthur; Jul 18, 2014 at 12:07 PM.