Thanks for all the CnC guys. I have posted 2 more. With these first videos I'm not going for any big effects I'm trying to get down the basics first but I think I'm ready to make it more flashy on my next one!
Nice smooth camera strokes. You used the replays well with the music. I actually liked the minimal effects, it was smooth and simplistic, but it worked really well. You're already better than many video makers in my opinion.
i'm not going to repeat what others said here, although some people don't like it when editors use trails.
Trails generally don't look nice if you speed clips up, they just become something of a waste of pixels. You can't tell what they are at higher speeds, and when you slow-mo, they look pretty horrendous. It's only if your keeping your clip at a level speed that they look alright.
P good, better then plenty of people's first edits. Keep working