Original Post
[Tex]the two sided soul.
Hey, I've been working on a head, but now I cannot continue because I can't get the eyes right.
Please tell me a good style for this head...

The flat, watermarked.

Program used is Gimp2.8 (sorry)

Please add the software used. ~Chris
Last edited by Terosious; Aug 5, 2014 at 09:48 AM.
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I like this, it looks cartoony and I think that fits it well but anime would look quiet nice with this so far. Can you show us it on a sphere?
I would probably open up the front of the hair some so you can put some eyes there. Or if that isn't an option... maybe some bandages covering up his eyes or something?
Here's the in-game. As for opening the hair up. That would be difficult as the hair is 5 layers, but I don't really want to do a bandage either so I might do 3 different finishes. One with parted hair, one without, and one with bandages..


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Sorry Chris, The program used it Gimp 2.8

This is the first version of the face. Going to work on the bandages later.


In-game, screw the backside that's still the same :p

Raised the head up quite a bit. Now it looks much better. In my opinion at least.

the NEW in-game :3

Last edited by Terosious; Aug 5, 2014 at 01:07 AM.
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