1. show a bit of a cheek line passing on the side of the nose
2. roll the back shoulder forward, drop it a bit and round that sharp angle out and show a pinch to show the shoulder - tricep connection.
3. the front shoulder, roll that one forward a bit, show a slight line for that back/neck muscle and pinch it in a bit just under the sleeve, to show where the shoulder muscle meets the bicep.
4. you've shown a bit of the neck, but the height of the head above the shoulder suggests that its suuuuuper short. it throws the positioning of the head right off. ladies have nice long necks. head could do with being moved to the right a bit. the place the neck line should be is currently in the middle of her jaw.
if you made the pose a bit more like she was dodging away to her left, you could get away with the current head position. angle the body slowing downwards to the right like shes jumping to the side/back and add a bit of a whip to the ponytail. you could also keep the current shoulder height/angle and get a more interesting angle for the back.
i feel like you could rework most of the body without it affecting the hand or head much. use a more severe angle on the body would actually be easier to draw than a view straight from the back.
im just spitballing ideas though, so experiment with options on a piece of scrap paper if you end up making any major changes.
when i do character sketches, i always draw muscles instead of shapes and check what the muscles do when i put them in the pose im drawing.
if im not being too presumptuous, i vomited sketch lines over it. ignore the link if you want to work it out on your own steam.
the angle i drew on the head isnt the same, but the angle youve chosen is abit confused.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 7, 2014 at 01:22 AM.