[Wip][Tex]Exodius Set Project W/ Joints
Hey so I've been working on a special unique set where you cant see everywhere, the process was fun and pain at the same time, cause sometime i got inspiration, but sometime it went away.
In this case the project took me about a month or maybe more. but i will finish the whole thing this week since only a few fix need, which are the following:
-Fixing Hands
-Finishing L_bicep
-Fixing L_elbow
-Finishing Neck joint
-Some Lil' Correction
Program Used:-Adobe Illustrator for the main shapes and the whole construction was in there
-Gimp 2 for resizing and some afterwork
Artist is obviously me if you wouldnt get it.
here it is how it looks, i dont know i will go more cuz im already satisfied now
I would Appreciate if i could hear some Cnc and such as Rate
*Note: I made two heads for this set but i think this looks better with it
*Note2:First time i thought i make this set for myself, but if i hear nice offers i might change my mind
Last edited by Marci6; Aug 13, 2014 at 03:23 PM.