Original Post
Username 666
Has anyone been on YouTube to actually experience the username 666 thingy? If you haven't, look it up on's pretty darn scary. I just want to know if its true or not
I tried it too. Doesn't work.
The only way to watch it from the one posted by nana thingymajig.
Either way prob just some gay internet myth
For people who don't know what is this, here
Last edited by Trocher3; Aug 13, 2014 at 12:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
try it

See that red thing/notice? that goes on then disappears after a second or something?

Try to read it. refresh the page multiple times

<font face=&quot></font>
Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Oh I never heard of this before! But the 666 dude seems to be suspended on youtube. I tried to look the earliest version one up on an internet archive but no luck

So I guess we'll never know it was true or not. That video is fake though, it was made by a visual artist.
Last edited by Dilara; Aug 13, 2014 at 12:44 PM.
Oops auto correct. Dilara* lol. But I do believe this is real, I just want to know if there are any old youtubers from back then that have experienced this..