Original Post
Important Posts

In your time playing Toribash, it's quite likely that you'll end up buying or selling items to other people playing. This could be ingame or on the forums through the Market board, and if you don't know how to do this, it's very useful to know how.

When making a deal with other people, it is possible that they won't keep their side of the bargain, and possibly scam you. But don't worry, because there'll always be someone able to help you. [thinking of creating another thread for scamming etc]

Transferring Items

At the top of this very page, you should click the "Shop" link on the navigation bar. Then find the "Transfer Items" link, near the bottom of the sidebar on the left. You should then reach this page:

The top field is where you should enter the username of the person you wish to send to. Note that this must be exactly right, and if you met them ingame you need not include the tag in square brackets. So if you met [MAD]hampa ingame, you should only enter "hampa" in the field.

Next is the Message field. This is useful for keeping a record of what you've done. If you sold your Gladiator Force for 10TC, it's a good habit to add things like "gladiator force sold for 10tc" in the message. This helps everybody if something goes wrong. Of course, you can always add a personal message as well.

After that is a menu showing the items you currently have in your deactivated inventory. If you want to sell something from your activated inventory, simply deactivate it first. All you have to do now is click the item you want so send so it's highlighted, and click "Send Item". If you want to send multiple items, you can either organise them into "Sets", or hold Control while clicking each one. If all the items are below each other, while holding Shift click the top and then the bottom, or vice versa.

Transferring Toricredits

Again, go to the Torishop and find the "Transfer Toricredits" link, just above the items transferral link we used earlier. You should find yourself on a page similar to that shown earlier.

This is pretty much the exact same process, only instead of selecting items, you enter an amount of TC.

IMPORTANT: Do not enter anything other than numbers, entering "4,000" will only send 4 toricredits. The same applies to "4.000" and "4k"

Last edited by Tinerr; Aug 20, 2014 at 07:46 PM.
<lumpysolo> ermergerd it's jalis <lumpysolo> love u too jalis <3
<jalis> you are worthless <jalis> ignored for my sanity
Before, we get into the actual example, we are going to look over what is required, what is optional and what is recommended.

A Clan thread is required to follow this:

  1. It must be posted in Clan Discussion, the title must be ''(Clan Tag) Clan Name'', for example, (r) raid.
  2. It must have some form of leadership, you can have co-leaders, but you need an official leader as well.
  3. It must include a roster, listing all members of the clan.
  4. A clan aim, basically what your clan wants to achieve as a group of players, be it in-game skill or respect and recognition.
  5. An application format, will make it much easier for members to apply to your clan.
  6. A set list of rules or some sort of organisation/guidelines to govern your members.

These are some optional, things to include, which I think makes a good Clan Thread:

  1. A clan story, these are fun. They are a good insight into what the clan is like, how serious they are etc.
  2. A clan logo, this basically adds to the overall presentation of your thread and if done well makes it look a hell of a lot more professorial.
  3. A list of allies and enemies, which can be built as your clan ages and grows. This will let potential member see who they are giving their allegiance to.
  4. Any additional information, such as IRC channels or clan banks.

I think, the above items should give you a pretty good looking thread..
Last edited by Immotay; Dec 29, 2012 at 03:15 AM.
[READ ME] The Toribash Staff and You: A Guide to the Guides
Restoring this thread made by Murmayder.

Welcome to the guide to the guides! There are various different staff groups for Toribash which help it to run smoothly.
First of all I will run through the staff positions and their general job descriptions below.

Ninjas - Administrators that deal with major scams and watching over the general administrators.

Administrators - Administrators are the cream of the crop, the top dogs (apart from ninjas). Highly visible and about as powerful as you can get, Administrators sport a bright red name. Administrators are forum moderators, in-game administrators and they oversee everything that happens in Toribash, including watching over and monitoring the Super Moderators. They may be called upon to deal with the larger issues concerning Toribash also.

Super Moderators - Super Moderators or SMods are your everyday moderators. Their job is to enforce the rules of Toribash by attending to reports, cleaning up spam, infracting and banning rule breakers and fixing general problems concerning members and rule following. They also patrol servers ingame, looking out for people who are farming, using textures that don't belong to them etc. Contact an SMod via PM or The Report Button.

Clan Admins - These people watch over the clan boards for offensive material and decide which clans get to be official, keeping in mind the vote of the clan council (which is private). This group is a completely different aspect to the forum and is not handled by SMods as a requirement of their job. Clan Council is a group of members, regardless of status within the community in terms of staff or normal users, who come together in a secret board and decide on what clans are allowed to become official. The members of the Clan Council are sworn to secrecy of the identities of other members, however they may dislcose their own membership if they wish. If you wish to apply for Clan Council PM Fish.

Market Squad - The Market Squad members have a green name and moderate the market only. Extensive market knowledge is vital in this job as the market is one of the most active sections of the forum and as such needs a more focused moderator presence, aside from the long list of rules. Market Squad are purely forum based and have no in-game administrative powers. Unlike local moderators, MS members have the power to infract and ban. Many members seem to think Market Squad directly help with scams. While they do, most of the team doesn't have the required permissions to refund tc, transfer items etc. Refunds and transferring items would mostly be dealt with torishop admins which names can't be revealed for our and their own sake.

ToriShop Admins - Abbreviated as TSA's, they are in charge of the shop section of toribash forum. They can generate TC and transfer it between accounts. Their identities are hidden and kept secret in the public for obvious reasons. They are also the ones who give out unibash achievements. One of their main job is refunding tc to scammed users and fixing mistake transactions.

Item Forgers - They have a purple name and are given the responsibility of bringing new items to the market. The team is lead by hampa himself, who is the head coder of the team. The rest of the members are given different responsibilities such as planning, brainstorming and such. They also do events and game development either to promote items or make it possible to use them. They are sort of a combination of Dev's, TSA's, the old promo team, and GMs.

Local Moderators - There are moderators for each board, shown at the bottom of the main page of each board. These moderators enforce rules and report to smods for help with infractions and the likes. They watch over one board (or multiple, if assigned) and keep people in line. These jobs generally require a good knowledge of the boards content and thus applying for such a position would require you to be of a high standard in terms of forum use and board rules. Applications for Local Moderator positions are advertised in the News Board. Local Moderators are purely forum based and have no in-game administrative power.

Gamemasters - A merge of the old Gamekeepers and Tori-Agents. A Gamemaster can now do what a Tori-Agent and a Gamekeeper could do, and has extra ingame abilities.

Discontinued Staffgroups

You can find a list of all staff members here.





Market Squad

Discontinued Staff - GAs and TAs

Local Mods


Last edited by Solax; Aug 22, 2013 at 09:27 AM.
Beginner's Handy Guide
Beginner's Handy Guide

In this beginner's tutorial we'll be covering some common issues a beginner can face. Please give the thread a read before further questions and queries. It is designed in a beginner friendly manner to explain the complex facts in a much efficient and simpler way.

How to post images, replays and youtube videos on the forums

How to Transfer TC

How to Transfer Items

What is Safetrade?

How to Upload your own head texture

How to activate/ deactivate items

How to add/remove items from your Market

How to upload your own Kiai Sound

How to use the UCP (User Control Panel)

What is Toriprime/VIP?

What is an Infraction?

What are Usergroups (Colored names)

Last edited by Liquidoom; Apr 24, 2016 at 02:06 AM.