Hey guys my name is Yuseimot but my real name is Christian (Chris) I honestly wanted to stay away from clans for a while at least but when I saw Soak i Immediately wanted to join the humor in the banners and name.
I am originally born in Okinawa Japan (grammar is horrible with me) I am currently 13 years of age (quite young I know but im mature for my age), I dont play much in game anymore due to the fact league of legends has taken a lot of time from me
My gmt is -6 I can be in game rare but forums im on every day I will be honest and say I have not been posting much any more because of not having a clan ( nothing to post for that I can relate to anymore)
But other then that I see great potential in this clan and I hope you will think about me joining.
Thank you and good luck
I'm 17, Since i got a Ipad about 2 months ago i'm really active on the forums and even before my little toribash tablet (Hehe That's that i call it.) I've always been active on the forums and if its really necessary I'm about a 9/10 in forum activity. Now since most of the time I'm on Photo Shop or Forums i don't really get on as much as i should ingame wise BUT i am on more then often, Like said with my topic of my Forum Activity if necessary im about a 7/10..
Sooo mah name is Danny, Most of the time my ign's are SirVooDoo Slick213 or Kitty (I like to be girl-ish Hehe) Anyways Ummmmm there really is nothing special about me i like anime i like Photoshop and I vape... Idk if that's special so yea
Umm i'm not new to Tb i've been here since 2012 or late 2011 I don't really remember i did quit for a while cuz i got banned #RipKitty I've only been in 4 clans Ethereal, Hunter, Voc, & Fight Club i was going to join Fl0w but that didn't happen.
I guess i gotta go personal now um i'm 17, currently living in Texas but will move to Cali in about a month #TheHeatIsRealInTexas and uhhhhhh i lives with my mums cuz i think its better to buy a decent looking place in a nice and chill area and not have to rush out, having to whore my self to afford an apt... >_>
Ummm i dont have a favorite mod because all i play is Akido And/Or Akido Big Dojo..Unless you count that as a favorite mod XD..
For the reason i want to join soak. Honest to god opinion, Idk i just wana do something new. You know? But yea for real this clan seems like a very mature and calm clan and that's something I've been looking for.
I can hopefully give to the clan, organization of events or shops, making others laugh, making textures ,And uhh really that's about it there really is nothing eles that I personally can say I can help the clan with.
Heres something a lil extra because i feel that since im good with textures i should show my work.
(One of the heads are free to use if you want... Color Scheme is Hunter and Amethyst)
Bet that app can make anyone who reads it be like