Starts abruptly, ends abruptly. learn to key frame, please take time into your vids. quality or quantity :d
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
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Originally Posted by Zorow View Post
Starts abruptly, ends abruptly. learn to key frame, please take time into your vids. quality or quantity :d

What do you mean "learn how to keyframe"
this would have been awesome if the transitions werent so static
you're kinda doing what tyzi does where the pose is also put into the edit and ends up breaking flow because theres a huge lack of movement between replays
i feel like you should be aiming to blend all of the replays together so the edit has one continuous motion and the only thing that stopped you from doing that was where you were cutting in and out on each clip

im pretty sure you have me on skype so if you want i can get quite a bit more in depth about what could have done to make this quite a bit better

tl;dr this was really good but your transitions are lame
Originally Posted by Complexity View Post
What do you mean "learn how to keyframe"

the keyframing was really boring
i dont like looking at one side of the tori most of the replay
Originally Posted by cat View Post
i dont like looking at one side of the tori most of the replay

You could see all the sides of the tori at different times. I don't get where your getting one side from.

Coo speed, nice flow; excluding the poses; the flow was good.
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
You could see all the sides of the tori at different times. I don't get where your getting one side from.

Coo speed, nice flow; excluding the poses; the flow was good.

i dont like how the camera barely moved other than in the last replay, its really boring