Original Post
[vid] late occ thing (wip)
hi, ive been off and on with this edit. its deathly late for entering but thats because i procrastinate. im trying to finish it but yea.

used after effects cc

c&c is appreciated, also help with transitions
Last edited by Rumour; Sep 8, 2014 at 09:49 AM.
u synced the gunshots to different instruments.
the cc is really simple and looks bad with these clips.
add curves.

A transition can be a rotation to the next clip, or just the next clip. As long as it's smooth and is synced (which creates flow with your clips btw)
◢▇ ◢▇ ◢▇ ◢▇ 
Transitions could be 360 death cam, Sly has a tut. if you need it
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