Everybody who plans to be inactive for a while post here (or just tell us at our chatbox)
So guys!
THE5 drive to Italy this friday morning.
We will be back in 2 weeks and the our holidays are over -_-
I take the Interwebs router with me and try if i get a connection from the holidays flat.
I don't know if the possibility to connect to the internet depens either on unlocking the connection for a speciffic building or on the Data you put into he router =/
So im not shure if it works when i plug in the rooter in the phone box from our falt.
Maybe some1 can tell me^^
Anyway have a nice time while we are gone^^
Leaders will be Hammer and VX.
Especialy VX since hammer is quite inactvie, but if he's there listen to him aswell!
ok since we only got 2 other members there won't be any problems i guess ;P
[i would love to see if you recruited some ppl when im back :O]
Last edited by Nightmare; Aug 27, 2008 at 09:19 PM.