Original Post
Welcome to the Screen-Shop!

This Shop is for all guys that can't have shaders
or just have no idea how to do screenshots like mine!


!I Make Screenshotes like those on the Main Page!
! For FREE !

Not Convinced?

Take a Look at these pictures

What do you say now?
Want to have your own one?

!Then order one!


-Screens with Textures
-Screens with Custom Poses
-Screens with Custom Shaders
-I upload the Screens to imageshack and give you the link

Thanks To

All my Customers

Special Thanks To

-Fluxit, for being my best Customer and a very good pal :o)


Last edited by Nobuddie; Nov 10, 2008 at 09:11 AM. Reason: New Examples Added
I opened up this kind of shop for cheaper but I got flamed on it because there is a guy who does this for free.


Sry cindermomo. :/

Hope you are not angry on me

Dont knew that there is a shop like this :/


First send me a pm with your e-mail, then ill give u mine and then you send me your Replay...^^
You know, you could make some seriously smexy screenshots using different shaders. Try downloading one of Pirate's packs.
this shop is great!!
i will bookmark it.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
Originally Posted by ramenlover View Post
this shop is great!!
i will bookmark it.

How do u bookmark and what can u do with the picture, I might be interested in buying 1
Rawr,can i has one nobud, ill send tc when i receive the screenie can u please take afront-n shot from frame 413 use /option uke 0 plz u must be able to see his head clearly,basically exactly like my avatar(minus the flames and in normal shaders(no cell shaders))
Attached Files
0!!!posefrme413.rpl (30.0 KB, 27 views)



Thx for your interest, but i dont like this custom shader stuff, i like the classic one, it got style =)




You can do it as a desktop background or something like that =)


Kk Clanldr, doin it =D

But you dont need to sent me tc.

1. Your are my Clanmate
2. You are one of the first 10 customers^^

Sending you Screens per Email =)
You didn't even make the first examples...
They are official game screenshots on the front page on the main site...

Put some of your own screenshots up there.