Original Post
Inactivity =[
are forums are bored there are no new posts cmon peoples you got to post, and i know our most active members tortle and nigbelch are gone but im here so like ya...

post nao!
here i am posting to let everyone kno im still here (trying to keep up with college stuff and still check forums) so ya plz no one take sign of tortle leaving that clan is dying... it will only die if we let it die.

so im thinkin in a few days will hold a poll or somthing to get a new co-ldr so check forums, ok ppl

PS: lol buttc if i forget and no poll is up by like friday, plz set up like a thread to start or remind me if u c me xD
lol no one more day... ill post something to elect someone new on friday...

start telling everyone u c to check online more if u c them ingame cause im thinking of making the poll also an activity check so... ya everyone better post in net few days on that thread...

good to c u active koe
yea sry was inactive first 3 days of school Went to sleepys at 6pm =( woot for 11 Hours of sleeping roflmao
Woke up and i was sick -.- no wonder why i was so tired hehe
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
Word up, sorry for my inactivity, but I am still playing just not a whole lot of forum posting...i do still check the forum everytime i come online.