Original Post
[Tex] Scavenger head
I made this head yesterday
took me around an hour
so I just need some feedback
tell me what I did wrong or right
I also need advice on the whiskers
they look very bad.
Used gimp 2.6

Thank you
Last edited by Arthur; Sep 21, 2014 at 11:13 AM.
<Smiles4Fre> Why quote yourself, losers.
Yeah, it is quite blurry, however, that's the way I kinda design things xP
<Smiles4Fre> Why quote yourself, losers.
Originally Posted by Smiles4Fre View Post
I made this head yesterday
took me around an hour
so I just need some feedback
tell me what I did wrong or right
I also need advice on the whiskers
they look very bad.
Used gimp 2.6

Arthur Moderated Message:
Include programs used, please. Also, fixed the tag for you

Thank you

Could you make me a full set, So all textures aside from joints? =D

I can offer items, Not TC.

But they are semi-expensive items.
Nox Relax
Beetle Force/Relax
Sphinx Force
Vampire Hair
Flame Tex
Gladiator Relax
Right Bicep Tex
Right Thigh Tex.

I need this set to be for a Gold Relax, Radioactive Force Tori. Thanx.
If you don't mind. <3
Arthur Moderated Message:
Last edited by Arthur; Sep 21, 2014 at 11:14 AM.