Original Post
[S] Detailed Robotic Set
Detailed Robotic Set


Artist : Mawk
Previous owner : Mawk, Mindstorm
Recolor : No
Size : 512x512
Joint color : Alpha Imperial, Azurite, Demon
Payment method : TC, USD, Items, Or Other Textures
Price : I'll take the first offer i like
Hi, uhh...

It seems you have forgotten to provide the picture of the set. Please post one or this thread will have to be closed. Giving you 24 hours to do so.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Nuju: i like that offer as a first one but look at my qi, look at the required qi for demon force and look at my qi again... ;)

spetznas: around 100k would be nice
50k? if you have a holder I can throw in some hi qi items in my holders account.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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