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[Art&Tex] My Artistic Thread!
Art Emporium!

Welcome to my wonderful, magical emporium in which I shall be posting my art, textures, poses and more!

This thread will contain many pictures over time, and this will all be increased as, and when, I can be bothered to update it! You can however request me to update it and I will.

Right, Anyway, lets get down to business! There will be 3 main categories; Textures, Artwork and Miscellaneous.


Bloody Assassin!


Bloody Assassin!: It just looks like a bunch of c/p to me. The joints are all one texture, the legs and thighs are the same texture but flipped, and the hands and legs don't map together very well. :v
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
Originally Posted by ToasterDan View Post
Bloody Assassin!: It just looks like a bunch of c/p to me. The joints are all one texture, the legs and thighs are the same texture but flipped, and the hands and legs don't map together very well. :v

Thansk for the positive feedback -_-
It's mean to look like that, it was made out of a 512x512 red and black texture I made that was trimmed, mirrored, flipped and more to create that effect. The joints are supposed to look like that considering it's an assassin suit.