Original Post
[VID] Beats [bo2]

program used: sony vegas pro 11

it's short, but i was bored and decided to do something :=)

Should i edit toribash? feedbacks!
Last edited by strikas; Sep 25, 2014 at 08:16 PM.
when are you going to learn what flow is and how to keyframe
do you even watch anyone else's cod edits before u make anything
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Tyzi View Post
when are you going to learn what flow is and how to keyframe
do you even watch anyone else's cod edits before u make anything

I really appreciate your opinion, but you ruined my day.
Why do you post things so negative?
Last edited by strikas; Sep 25, 2014 at 11:10 PM.
you've made the same quality stuff for about a year now, i remember because you made me a birthday video last year

sorry if it makes u feel better this is the best video ive ever seen!
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Tyzi View Post
you've made the same quality stuff for about a year now, i remember because you made me a birthday video last year

sorry if it makes u feel better this is the best video ive ever seen!

also i just got scammed
Next try to do your vid, more slow! and add some "anothers colors" will be more fun and a better quality too!

Still a good vid!Good job.
intro looked a little choppy, but i pretty much think that everything was executed well

idk, creative and good looking cod and tb edits are hard to come by

keep practicing and you'll come across a good looking style

also, don't let two rude cnc'ers ruin your day. complete waste of time when you could just keep practicing.
the goblin
hey do what i do.
make tons of videos.
short vods.
nothing long.
practice sync.
use easy songs.
and progressively get harder songs and shit.
other wise you'll stay with the bright shitty no sync bad song videos.
Originally Posted by strikas View Post
I really appreciate your opinion, but you ruined my day. Why do you post things so negative?

really? you are posting in the art thread where you ask for cnc
she gave you straight up cnc and if you cant stand it, don't post