[ART] Templar OC Art Thread
(Important bits)
Software used: Paint Tool SAI ; Wacom Intuos 5 Tablet
(Now to the art bits)
Hello! yes you may remember me from my old and dead art thread I have buried in the thread graveyard but I'm gonna start anew and do a little bit of a montage of a cool character I made recently. His code name is Templar, and he's sorta kinda like what you'd see on assassins creed but more modern-day if you know what I'm sayin', but further ado this here thread will show you arts of Templar and how cool he looks. SO far I have a detailed bust of him displayed right below this thing here
If you like Templar or want to add some adjustments / give some tips on what should be on his full body picture that might be drawn tomorrow just give me a comment and CNC, it is both greatly appreciated.