Original Post
Chirs sucks and he's making me write this
Chirs nagged me into making this thread

y u do dis chirs

Here's a list of people I've met so far in Aeon, and what I think about them.

Rumuor: a fukn skrub at tb and csgo, but a nice and cool person regardless of how much he sucks *Cough* Silver 2 *cough*

Animal: We haven't talked too much since I got trial status, I blame fate... I mean, Destiny. You seem pretty cool though, from what I seen from you. You still need to get destroyed in Civ V

Skylar: You've helped me tons with the market and in-game, and you're pretty cool to talk to. I know you a little better than when I started being a trial, but I don't think our schedules have worked out to talk that often.

Fluxen: You're terrible at this game and you know it.
you're pretty cool too, I guess

ThreeDog OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW: Your taste in music is pretty rad, and the skype calls we do are fun. Austrian metal variations are now something I listen to more regularly than I should.

SXDave: We haven't talked much, if at all, and I don't really know you too well, but the stuff you post in the music discussion ist supergeil.

Chirs: no go away

Habeeb: You're quite the character, and while Nacho may not like you, I don't think you're too bad of a guy.

Do I still want to be in Aeon? Sure, why not. I've enjoyed my time in Aeon and I would like to stay. I don't really have any other words to say.

Thank you for letting me be apart of this clan.
Most accurate description of FluXen and myself I've ever seen.

I think I could live with NotShadow staying in Aeon. For now... Muhahahaaa!
this thread sucks
make a funny pun about every member of aeon you know of and you're in
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
I'm sorry Azure, I hardly talked to you, if at all D:

Originally Posted by Skylar View Post
this thread sucks
make a funny pun about every member of aeon you know of and you're in

Hah, if you think I'm going to do that, your head is in the Sky....lar
Originally Posted by NotShadow View Post
I'm sorry Azure, I hardly talked to you, if at all D:

Hah, if you think I'm going to do that, your head is in the Sky....lar

That joke was bad and you should feel bad.