Pandayote recruitement Age:14
Nationality: white
GMT: Western European Time Zone
Best Mods: runkido,xspar,akido
Old Clans: elf
Why Would you like to join?:i love toribash and menacing is awesome my favorite animal is panda
A little something about you: im good with art and im a beast at toribash i play toribash on a laptop soon on desktop on a laptop it is hard to play so if i messup im sorry. i found toribash after my nanny past away. this makes me happy so i dont get sad or mad sorry if i don't play as often as i did im still trying to get internet at my new house so i play and look up stuff for school projects at home i play toribash at my other nannys house butt my mom or ganny has to drive me so i dont get to play as often as i did win i first downloded the game :''3