Original Post
(Avenge) Avenge
Raptor our new clan racing up to being one of the best clans ever so if you want to join send apps to diaao and rod1360 (RAPTOR NEVER GIVES UP)
Last edited by diaao; Oct 20, 2014 at 06:01 PM.
Pandayote recruitement Age:14
Nationality: white
GMT: Western European Time Zone
Best Mods: runkido,xspar,akido
Old Clans: elf
Why Would you like to join?:i love toribash and menacing is awesome my favorite animal is panda
A little something about you: im good with art and im a beast at toribash i play toribash on a laptop soon on desktop on a laptop it is hard to play so if i messup im sorry. i found toribash after my nanny past away. this makes me happy so i dont get sad or mad sorry if i don't play as often as i did im still trying to get internet at my new house so i play and look up stuff for school projects at home i play toribash at my other nannys house butt my mom or ganny has to drive me so i dont get to play as often as i did win i first downloded the game :''3
read the rules, the stickies, and look around at other clan threads. if you fix your first post and PM me i will re-open this.