Everything I can think of.
I hope I haven't overdone it
I found this tutorial which seems to cover the basics (I have only briefly skimmed through it so I apologise if it doesn't help much).
Click here to see tutorial
From what I have heard/seen from other players, marketing items and textures (the actual images made to be put on toris (players) to make them look cool) is one of the best ways to make a hell of a lot of TC. I don't know how to do it well myself so I have put a couple tutorials in the links below. Just click on them.
This tutorial seems pretty good.
Probably not as good as the last one. But I figured it might still help.
However, marketing requires a foundation knowledge of what items do and who wants them etc. so you might want to try something simpler or to find a marketing tutor who will make sure you don't lose all your TC.
I believe that the first general tutorial will have mentioned betting. This is much more my area of toribash. I remember turning 1200 TC into 18,000 TC in a betting server once and feeling proud. But that really wasn't a lot, and because of the nature if earning TC through betting, I lost all of it in another betting server within 2 days. The real money comes from hosting betting servers. I would be happy to coach you ingame (since the world needs more experienced hosts and fewer unsympathetic betters telling then what to do) if you joined one of my servers (type /jo Phoenix into ingame chat to join it if I am hosting, if I am not there then I probably in another betting server, I am sure you will be able to find me).
Hosting is hard and requires a lot of commitment at times. You will be being paid toricredits by other players to nudge them (I will link tutorials on betting servers which will tell you what this jargon means) and if you muck up, they will be angry. So you need to be able to shake off criticism with general impartiality (never argue back, you can insult people playfully, but don't get angry, just suck it up and apologise even if you didn't do anything worth apology) then don't bother reading these tutorials. Click on them to view.
More general tutorial.
A more detailed, complete tutorial.
I think those are the only things which needed specific details. As I am sure I have demonstrated, the tutorials section is extremely useful if you are willing to go through enough pages, you should use it. Nevertheless, I am always happy to answer questions, just send me a PM (private message) or find me ingame.
Thank you for reading.