Christmas Lottery
Original Post
I suppose I will be banned any time now, is there any way I can have all of my things sent to someone before the account is killed?
I have a certain person I want to send it all to already.

This wasn't an invitation to beg, besides, your avvy hurts my eyes.
I mean i know its against the rules but why rat on people....

Lol and kit if you want your stuff sent to someone i would Email [email protected] and it shows how much you can trust people of tb...
Originally Posted by Triistan View Post
I suppose I will be banned any time now, is there any way I can have all of my things sent to someone before the account is killed?

That was a bitch move Tyfuu >.>

I know the whole, ban evasion thing was a dumbass move, but c'mon. When did I ever screw you over?