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[Video] JamZam Goes Rampage 6
Helluu all u peps here's my latest vid, music made by myself! (untitled) so i hope you like it and... please please please please leave a comment!

Tha BAWZ need no introduction!
It was boring, there was no sync, and music wasn't too great.

Replays weren't so impressive neither.
But since it's a practice, s'all good.
Dark + Alex 7: Erasus. My last vid.
Originally Posted by DarkEnergy View Post
It was boring, there was no sync, and music wasn't too great.

Replays weren't so impressive neither.
But since it's a practice, s'all good.

heh yee.. kinda agreed one everything there.. there was a kinda descent sync in the original vid but that got all messed up by youtube for some reason..
Tha BAWZ need no introduction!
Originally Posted by DarkEnergy View Post
It was boring, there was no sync, and music wasn't too great.

Replays weren't so impressive neither.
But since it's a practice, s'all good.

It was a BIT SLOW TOO...

practice tho, np