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Why only 297 people in-game?

I was wondering why so little people on TB. I mean, why is it dying out since like Summer, yet it's still on SteamZ

Alexa rank says the same. If Toribash was rank 64k in it's prime, now it's 244,320th most popular website on the inter(webs).

Is it the learning curve or is Toribash just a sorta outdated game? Myself I didn't feel a learning curve, I'm just as good as I was since I'm like 2nd dan or so and by that I mean I'm pretty good. It's same as with Dota, we learn to be pretty solid and pwn noobs and normal people but never become the real pros.

SO WHY IS IT HAPPENING (vote your opinion)
Originally Posted by Hisoka View Post
It's just our GMT bro,join in 3-4 hours you'll see 800+

I'll update in 3-4 hours, unless *falls asleep*
It depends on when you play, we reach the most of people playing in about 5/6 hours normally. Game is played much more when americans are awake