Hello, My name is M0nsoom, my real name is ryan scott, and I would like to apply for serenity, I am 14 years of age, I am a 3rd blackbelt, I don't have any active alts, I know bavaros pretty good, I wanna join this clan because its a wushu clan and pretty pubshu active, I like that, + you have some vary chilled members. I have been in some clans before: [e],(Az). I left [e] because its inactive ingame I left (Az) because it was my clan and it dident go out the way I planned :P so here I am. lot of you guys have seen me ingame, ill find you guys to get to know you guys and play ingame. this is one of the few wushu clans, and I would like to be a part of it. Thanks for taking time to read my application, it means a lot. ~M0nsoom~