Original Post
(Serenity) Recruitment thread

Serenity's Embrace Recruitment.

1. Do not rage when you lose or DQ, because it is experience gained.
2. Talk (chat) with respect (do not shove unless you are pushed)
3. There will be no condemning on how you play (openers/fixed moves/improvised).
4. No excessive posting on forums

{The requests to join Serenity's Embrace will be}
You can do a free form application(preferred) or you can fill this template.
(Please do free form)
Reason to join:
Favorite Mod to Play:
(anyone who has already made a request you can simply edit your comment and add)
*you may submit a replay with your request, or find a member in game to play with*
Last edited by Rare; Nov 5, 2014 at 05:49 AM.
Hello, My name is M0nsoom, my real name is ryan scott, and I would like to apply for serenity, I am 14 years of age, I am a 3rd blackbelt, I don't have any active alts, I know bavaros pretty good, I wanna join this clan because its a wushu clan and pretty pubshu active, I like that, + you have some vary chilled members. I have been in some clans before: [e],(Az). I left [e] because its inactive ingame I left (Az) because it was my clan and it dident go out the way I planned :P so here I am. lot of you guys have seen me ingame, ill find you guys to get to know you guys and play ingame. this is one of the few wushu clans, and I would like to be a part of it. Thanks for taking time to read my application, it means a lot. ~M0nsoom~
Originally Posted by M0nsoom View Post
Hello, My name is M0nsoom, my real name is ryan scott, and I would like to apply for serenity, I am 14 years of age, I am a 3rd blackbelt, I don't have any active alts, I know bavaros pretty good, I wanna join this clan because its a wushu clan and pretty pubshu active, I like that, + you have some vary chilled members. I have been in some clans before: [e],(Az). I left [e] because its inactive ingame I left (Az) because it was my clan and it dident go out the way I planned :P so here I am. lot of you guys have seen me ingame, ill find you guys to get to know you guys and play ingame. this is one of the few wushu clans, and I would like to be a part of it. Thanks for taking time to read my application, it means a lot. ~M0nsoom~

Very well done application, This should set how i want these to be done.

So, I am going to add you as a trial, what this means is in maybe 1-7 days you will be in and meet some of the members and leaders in game, and also on the forums, after this trial period i will contact all leaders and members to tell me what they think of you. If most everyone Liked you and would be happy with you joining i will place you in what role The other leaders and I think you should be in.
If you have anny questions don't be afraid to PM me.
Please feel free to say hello on the clan forum page and have fun
brown belt
bavaros requests my presence in the clan ;)
I play wushu with bavaros
if you want to see how I play ask bavaros
Last edited by fudge211; Nov 7, 2014 at 09:01 PM.
Reason to join:coz ur clan look cool
Favorite Mod to Play:aikido,greykido,abd,all spar and parkour mods
Имя: Loonatiq
Пояс: 2 black dan.
Причина вступления: often play with children in the Room Wushu, responsive, nice people
Любимый мод играть: wushu / mushu.
Last edited by Loonatiq; Nov 23, 2014 at 10:58 AM.
Hello, My name is Wushuology. This is my alt, my main is Violentz which is a 10th dan blackbelt.
Reason to join:Because, I'm a experienced player, well resepected towards clan and non clan members Don't rage, Likes to have a fun time ingame.
Favorite Mod to Play:Wushu
Former clans:The very first VorteX(3years ago),RelaxAll

Hi my ign is thecrash12, my real name is sami,im brown but 90 matches or so to black belt , I want to join your clan because it sounds really cool and a friend of mine is in it (usher34), im good at mushu and wushu, judo, and aikido ,and please check out my replays
Attached Files
crashed to da floor.rpl (54.9 KB, 2 views)
kick ass.rpl (30.2 KB, 2 views)
wushu lord.rpl (62.9 KB, 2 views)
merciless kill3r.rpl (49.6 KB, 2 views)