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I need help with... English homework. Srsly
Sorry if the thread is not in right place but, I dont know where should I place it.
Guys, I need a help, my teacher is a hard one, and she gave me homework that I cant make it.
Can do you guys help me? Some tips are highly recommended.
The wording of the question is kind of weird, so we need to ask questions about the past basically.

1. What did you do yesturday? (this one was free)
2. How many of your paintings have you put on the cd?
3. What did you do with the rest?
4. How have you put them on the computer?
Just make sure to ask questions about the past, they don't ask you to specify if it's past simple or present perfect so anything will do you don't even need to know.

For question 6...
1. What have you done today? <- not sure what they wanted from this question.....
2. worked, searched <- past simple
3. Did you find <- present perfect

What part did you have trouble with exactly? I'm not going to do it all for you but I can explain parts
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff