First of all you need to open a thread in
this forum,which is the only one place where you can start auctions.
In your thread you must include a few things:
-First of all your thread need the [A] tag. Which means you're doing an auction.
F) All threads (with the exception of the Requests board) must now have a tag, the tags are: [A]:Auction, [B]:Buying, [S]:Selling, [T]: Trading.
.....[A] : Auction : For auctioning off art/items.
.....[B] : Buying : For requesting art/items.
.....[S] : Selling : For selling art/items.
.....[T] : Trading : For swapping items
Than let's build this auction.
Let's start by checking what are you selling.
For example,i want to auction a Supernova Force.
Let's check his in-market price:
Ok that's 15k on the market (Price can change).
Here it is.
Now,auctions must have some infos.
A) Auctions must have an end date or time with GMT (I.E. 25/Dec or 24 hours after last valid bid), minimum bid raise and starting bid.
B) No minion bidding, if you bid (or solicit bids) on your own auctions you are breaking the rules.
C) If you withdraw a winning bid at the end of the auction you must pay the auctioneer 20% of that bid.
D) Auctions can not be withdrawn once someone has made a valid bid, only before.
E) Auctions can not be edited once someone has made a valid bid, only before
F) The minimum raise for all auctions must be at least 10tc.
Those are all the general rules about auctions.
Let's go ahead,i'll give you a format which is necessary to not be infracted while selling in your auction.
Auction Thread Wip:
[A] Supernova Force
Item selling: Supernova Force
Forms of payment: Toricredits (Can be USD or Items too)
Starting Price (Or Min.Bid): 13k (That's the price the auction will start from)
Min.Raise: 500Tc (That's the minimal raise people can do in their offers)
Player x1 offers 13000 Tc for your Supernova Force
Player x2 needs to offer at least 13500 Tc (13k which is the previous offer + min.raise which is 500 Tc. In a nutshell 13000+500)
Than your auction may have an ending date.
The end date can be:
"24h from last valid bid" and "24h from the thread creation" basically.
Obviously you chose the ending time,can be 24h,can be 2h,can be 10 minuts etc.
And here we go:
Final auction thread:
[S] Supernova Force
Item selling: Supernova Force
Forms of payment: Toricredits
Starting Price: 13k
Min.Raise: 500 TC
Auction ends: 24h after last valid bid
Ok now let's suppose our auction it's done,our 24h passed and peoples made ther bids.
Now you look at the last one,which should be the higher. If the bid is valid you annunce the auction winner and than you close your thread.
Than send a PM to the auction winner and ask him to send the Toricredits. Than you send him the item.
Can be done via safetrade too.
If the winner widthdraw his offer at the end of the auction he MUST give you 20% of his bid.
And here we go! You made your auction.
I hope this will help you ;)