Hello and welcome to "CAN YOU MAKE IT?"
This series will be all about saves, hopefully you can enjoy this series and love the videos as they progress, remember you have to use the Replay that i have provided and you can send in your own challenges you want other people to try and that can be used as my next episodes challenge, but your not aloud to control uke in this series and hopefully you will be able to save it and do some awesome stuff.
If you like my YouTube, Please subscribe comment, like and share this to your friends, if there are some issues like videos haven't been recorded and uploaded in time it's my fault or it's my computer crashing all the time so sorry about those problems, but yeah I'll try and fix them as soon as i can.
If my computer is too slow or something you shouldn't worry about that too much because i'm getting a new computer for Christmas and it's meant to be really good, I might be able to face calm after Christmas too, but i might not because i'm really young and i'm also meant to be getting a better mic.
But if there has been any issues please contact me, by using the forums or some other type of contact.
Please enjoy the series and like the videos it would mean a lot to me so i know you guys are enjoying.
Yes, for you too take part in this series you have to pick the Replay i provided and start saving at frame 317 and no controlling Uke or your replay will not be accepted.
well, i was just trying to make sure it's saveable.
If it wasn't a saveable replay it would be stupid, if you have any more challenging replays for the next episode that could help out a lot.
If you were wondering who made this challenge it was me and kikipro.
kikipro was the one about to get dq'd unfortunately i wasn't stupid enough to let go So he Dq'd, but yeah guys thank's for the support keep sending in replay's and tell me if your enjoying the replay's and videos.