Original Post
Ackuna's bad translator
I don't think this breaks the rules, unless "games" of any kind are included in the "survey" thing. If this is against the rules I'm out of here lmao

Basically this translator translates shit several times over and the results are hilarious, I'll provide examples:

random facebook and youtube comments

Even if this is against the rules, I'm sure this link will bring joy to people.

[4:22:01 PM] Mud: this asshole is a mystery under the sea, SPONGE-BOB-SQUARE-PANTS
hatter make me famou
Original text:

"I don't think this breaks the rules, unless "games" of any kind are included in the "survey" thing. If this is against the rules I'm out of here lmao"

...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"I don't think that in this war the rules of the game, but the game is not expressed in the questionnaire. If it's against the rules, I'm here, I"

Yea its pretty funny.
Hi moonfloam. A quick review of the rules of this board leave this thread arguably breaking the following rules:
A. We do not allow useless threads. You thread must have an obvious topic with room for some Discussion. Examples of useless threads include: Birthday threads, leaving threads coming back threads...etc.
B. No idle chit-chat, all threads must relate to something.
D. Keep it clean, no spam.
E. No one word posts.

Please stop making shit threads.
collect snots from the nose