Recruitment application.
Recruitment app/application
Belt:Black Belt
Prev Clan:None
What Mods I Am Good At:Akido,Mushu,Wushu,All Parkour City Mods
Why I Want Recruited:I want Recruited by (MSFTS) because i really want to be in the clan and I want to be in a clan that will actually accept me for who I am.
Replays:Cant do any dont know how sorry.
Skills:Back flips,Front flips,360 Spin Kick,Running,Boxing,Parkouring,Rip off heads,Make a baskerball shot for basketballsave.tbm mod.
Where from:USA,Ohio,Parma.
Things about me:
Well as you see I always used to rage Quit and get very mad and I mean very very mad.But I always and I mean always when I used to lose a Duel I would always rage quit.But that was the old me I have grown out of that immature stage of my life.
Good TB experience
I have won alot of games I can offer you guys some ToriCoins and a head texture and amethyst grab so yeah thats what I can offer.I have good skills I have already mentioned in the Skills column so yeah.I also can help out alot with the clan I can get to all the clan meetings I can always check my PM's every day and sometimes I wont be on because I have to go to school and guard.
Those are somethings about me.
jtechno45 From:Imsohot real name Xavier Rivera.
Thank you for taking time out of your regular life and TB life to come and read my application Thank you very much.
Last edited by imsohot; Dec 22, 2014 at 02:32 AM.
Reason: forgot your name had to fix it