I can get a few steps in but afterwards my tori falls infront of itself and no matter how much I try to bring it's weight back a little to stop the momentum I can't, what am I doing wrong?
you are following the youtube tutorials... thats whats wrong. experiment yourself, use your own mind and maybe relax or hold your hips sometimes. move your pecs etc.
Without a replay its hard to say whats wrong with ur run, but if u want to learn some tips and tricks about running, just see this mocucha's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srKOnQvXTtU
it helped me a lot when i was beginning to do running and spar stuff...
You can see after your first step, you right foot slip on the ground, that is why you are falling. Extend your foot to make yourself going on. Relax your shoulders, your arms have a weight too and you keep that weight too much in front of yourself.
Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?) Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Well, its not that hard actually. Mocucha was right, extending your foot would've solved the problem easily in that replay.
As you can see in my replay here, I just extended my foot while doing the steps, thats all I had to do to keep the balance after the first step. At the end I used my lumbar to not fall to my left. Those little joints you often enough forget are the most important joints to keep balance.
You can see after your first step, you right foot slip on the ground, that is why you are falling. Extend your foot to make yourself going on. Relax your shoulders, your arms have a weight too and you keep that weight too much in front of yourself.
I can get a few steps in but afterwards my tori falls infront of itself and no matter how much I try to bring it's weight back a little to stop the momentum I can't, what am I doing wrong?
Chesso, the main tip i can give you is not use any other peoples running Videos to help run, you should try make your own run that's what i find out useful and also experimenting With running is fun that's why i like to spar when i can but Normally i don't get enough time to since i have school, but yes Try experiment with Some stuff and you'll probably be able to make your own run in no time, we've all probably done it at this stage and don't worry if it looks similar to anyone's At least you can still run.