Original Post
server bot "0"
I like to host some of the serenity made mods in a room called serenity, so people will know what to look for if they wanna play them, but sometimes there is this server bot called 0 how would I go about removing this pest?
Good Renders Everyone's Emotional Doom.
"Come with me, and let's watch the world burn together"
Try to /rec, if its still there, make new server with random name and change roomname to serenity.

Apathetic User
A way of getting rid of it without having to change rooms is to enable knockout mode with only you and the 0 entered. Since 0 cannot enter (AFK) mode, it will be gone after the 3rd turn (tested it myself). Make sure nobody else is in the queue, it needs to be the final round.
ive had up to 4 0s in some of the rooms i have made, they are a pain in the ass

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