Original Post
Free Head Texture
Program Used:
Size 512 x 512 (you do not need a 512 head to equip just upload it and it resizes Automatically)

Something that took me around 5 minutes to make up, as I want to get into the Texture making

Please tell me what you think

Note to GM's I read the rules I was not sure what to put the free head textures as so I left it blank
you'll have to rise above the best and prove yourself, your spirit never dies.
hi, I'm sorry but the market board is not the place for head texture giveaways. If you're after comments/criticism on your head texture, feel free to post it on the art board. You can also let people know that it's free to use. Make sure you read the rules there first though, there's a couple of things you have to include in your thread.
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