Original Post
[B]Steam Trading Cards!
Hello everyone,
I am currently looking to start collecting steam trading cards. So I've decided the best way to do so is to buy them off of other people. So I am currently looking to buy ANY steam trading cards for ANY games. I am looking for reasonable pricing please. I can pay in either TC or USD, whichever you perfer.

Any donations would also be greatly appreciated and rewarded as so.

My steam profile link is:

Thank you for all the help in starting my collection! Feel free to post your offers in here, or add me on steam, or just send a trade offer. And TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Spread the word for me please. Thanks!

Unfortunately that price is way out of the ball park. I usually buy 20 cards for around 4k. So I would offer you 2.5k for them.


add me. I'm MaximaBomba

"A black belt is just a white belt that never gave up." -- Archos331
Just PM me.^^ (Or add me)
Feel free to offer on any card in my steam inventory.

Id: Drachenmaetzler

Wow. dat name though (>o.o)> <(o.o<)
Last edited by Drache1337; Dec 5, 2014 at 04:48 PM.