Oh jeezuz, that was pretty fucking insane. Can't really find anything with it,
so you'll get a 9/10 :3 (The perfect replay is a lie.)
Fantastic job, my good sir.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
i would say it was too symetrical buuutt

that would make me an asshole

good job soldier
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
Haha, very nice. If you worked at it some more you might be able to beat the full DM record time.
|..l \.../..\....\/\/....l.\..._/....\,,/...|..\|...|...\_,'.|
Even with that speed I don't likez symmetry :<

8/10 because of that
Since when did I become Asian?