Original Post
Think i am kicked?
I was playing with Tortle and i gues he kicked me..... so yea Bye i think=(

He threatened to kick me for i gues "I dont like you" then he said something like "i insist".... after i said to Go ahead and kick me if u wana abuse ur powers then "*Kicks KoEDeath*" and left
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
wat?! no koe tortle has to tell me if hes gonna kick someone

ur not gone frm Hurricane yet man, im talk to him and c wat the issues were...

I'm having a bad day, Anways.

1) Yes I do not like you.
2) I was kidding around.
3)Read above.
ayylmaos are real
hmm, as i have said Tortle We havent had the best of moments together in the past, But to say you dont like me when we didnt even argue today is beyond my Comprethention.... However i posted this cause i was confused if i was kicked or not -.-

P.S. I dont think i should be in a clan were the coleader hates me xD But thats just me.
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
...-.- hmmm, U seem very dramatic no offence, first u creat a thread saying u are gona leave TB then like 1 day later u make another saying I am not leaving... Now u "Kick me" Then u leave clan. if u are leaving cause of me Dont cause if that is the case i will leave first seing how i am newer
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
That's not it, I just wanna be clan-less for now. :]

Good luck guys, When I get my 500K TC in 3 - 6 Days I'll donate 100K since I had fun. :]

Good luck in the future.
ayylmaos are real