Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[SOLVED] Unable to set mods
heres an idea, can hampa please fix the new 4.92 patch. it is making it so that i cant even really pick any mods. instead, it just goes to a _test2 thing and basically is just classic mode. So please, PLEASE, fix this bug or something
Ready to set the world on fire
yeah this is fucking annoying (just like my spelling) i try to make it boxshu and it turns on test 2 wtf
Yaa, I don't understand that bug either.

But this is not really a suggestion for a new gameplay element, this should be posted in another section I believe.
lazors Moderated Message:
Please don't backseat moderate, thank you.
Last edited by Lazors; Dec 22, 2014 at 01:05 AM.
It's been introduced recently, obviously humpu&friends would stuff it with bugs. For now putting mods into a folder appears to fix it, check this thread:

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos