Original Post
Oh look, a replay thread :O
Hi there, random user who happens to read this. This is my new replay thread because my old one happened to suck. So, obviously, I'll be posting all sorts of replays I happen to make. This also includes old replays I happen to find lying around. This will be the first replay I'll be posting, so if you could kindly give it CnC.

Thanks in advance!
Attached Files
ST4B - Aftermath.rpl (188.4 KB, 98 views)
Heart of Gold
The opener was pretty new.
The 3 step walk up was a little twitchy, but nice.
The sweeping of ukes face was a nice touch in the beginning.
The kicks were very will placed.

I rate this:

B4CKST4B / 10
B4CK my friend, your tricking is awesome. Well you know i m not into it so i can't really CnC but i ll try.

So...the beginning was a bit twitchy. That part when you contracted and extended your leg is what i m talking about but i guess it was necessary for momentum. iduno

The spins, kicks and other stuff were amazing. I loved the air walk thingy you did.
Pose is majestic.

So yeah that's it. Cheers.
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
hey there old friend,my critics:
this replay was pretty nice you were fluid and creative
however one spin you did look like it didn't match the momentum you had
but everything else was good. overall there maybe a little work in that replay but still its very good
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
critics:like the form you did when setting up the boomhit,however you took a little time off setting a pose off (Good pose initially)however you could of relax your foot a little bit but eh...i maybe wrong
overall its a good replay just a few errors
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
First frame of the opener was a little odd but the rest of the opener was pretty nice.

The boom was nice but the fact that you aimed for a high back kick + boom hit launched you back made it not look as good as it should have. I would have extended or relaxed the elbow to make the kick a little nicer.

As you were getting to the pose it looked like you struggled a lot. Such as being too stiff, and twitching a lot. Pose could have been better. 6/10 overall