Arma 3 is pretty poorly optimized... like it says, you need a gtx 560 ti to run the game. But really, that is only on like servers with 20 people and below that are not heavily modded. I recommend this game if you have friends and if you have a good graphics card p.s gtx 770- gtx 980 or if you are an amd fan, r9 280-r9 295x. Trust me, you will have alot of fun with this game if you have a good graphics card and processor. But right now, i have a r9 270x and a fx-6300, don't run the game at ultra, also this game doesn't really change to much fps if you change your settings, only about 30 fps will increase at minimal settings.
Now, onto gameplay. Everything is fine about it, but some glitches are in it, to much sway to, but you get used to it later on, the aiming is fine, how your guy runs for a quarter of a mile and is already like slowly running is not. Flying helicopters are really fun in this game, such as jets. Driving cars,tanks,and trucks are really fun to, just that there is no real crash physics in the game... sadly. But the insides of the vehicles are amazing! It even has a camara in the back that shows in the front of the vehicle! The game has great mods to, breaking point,dayzero, some racing maps, and epoch. Haven't tried epoch yet though.
I rate this game 9/10, not 10/10 because of the bugs and shitty optimization.
Last edited by tedster789; Jan 2, 2015 at 04:10 AM.