Original Post
Now let's intelligently converse about whatever topic you want to talk about.
In this thread, you basically post anything you have on mind, barring spam and flaming. (-Against other members)
Oh yes, and if you act all racist, i shall shove my spiked metal boot so far up
your ass that shit will come out of your mouth.

----- Danger, profanity below this line -----

I SHALL BE TALKING ABOUT... Sleep deprivation. Seriously, this tuesday, when
i was on some trip to somewhere with the school, i got like, 3 hours of sleep, at max.
I went to bed at around 12:30 PM (After midnight), and i tried to sleep, but everyone
in the room absolutely just couldn't shut the fuck up, or even lower their voices!
"YADDAYADDAYADDA!" "Shut up! I'm trying to sleep here!" "YADDAYADDAYADDA!"
God it was so fucking annoying. And even when there was quiet, some asshole
went around the room and took pictures of people trying to sleep with a fucking
blitz camera. Imagine it: You're trying to sleep, your eyes have gotten used to
the darkness, you're starting to relax... And then suddenly FOUR sharp flashes
of light penetrate the darkness. MULTIPLE TIMES. And when that fucker finally
went to sleep, a couple of other cocks went around and deliberately made
a fucking cacophony whenever things got quiet, keeping everyone awake.
FINALLY they went quiet too, and i fell asleep... At 4:00 AM, if not later.
When i wake up again, it's somewhere around 7:00 AM, and guess what i woke
up to? Some prick who went around taking images of people with his cellphone.
I was awake before he came to me, so when he turned around to take an image
of me, i went "WHY HALLO THAR SIR". Of course, in a low voice, but i could
see that he got rather embarrased.
I was smashed the next two days. Second worst night in my entire life.
Worst night ever? When i didn't get any sleep AT ALL. But at least it wasn't
prickheads who kept me awake. But the following day i was a fucking zombie,
devoid from any emotion. The whole day, i was like, -.- in my face. Unfortunatly
for me, i have an inability to take naps. Don't know why though.

----- Danger, profanity above this line -----

Whew. Now i feel better after ranting once again. Oh yes, you CAN rant in here,
as long as you aren't disrespectful towards your fellow members.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Cool. Now it's time to rant about salad dressing:

Bleu Cheese. Eh? EH? What's up with it? I mean, apparently MOLD grows in it.
I don't dig eating bacteria like that q['-')p
Secondly, it's called "Blue" cheese, so why in God's great name is it WHITE?
I have a lot of random thoughts throughout the day,
and one time I looked down at my salad and thought
"What the hell? I'm eating boogers with ejaculate fluid on top, for fuck's sake!" WHY can't they add some fucking
food coloring and actually make it blue? "Doesn't look natural."
Uh-uh. Wrong. White looks natural because you're used to it.
If you grew up with salad dressing being a
yellow-purple shade you'd think that's the norm, not
"WHY ISN'T IT WHITE LOL". And thirdly...
what the hell is a 'Bleu', and why is it in my cheese?
And why doesn't this taste even remotely like cheese?
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
I like bleu cheese. I dig eating bacteria like that, even though it's mushrooms.


HOWS DEM HURRYKANES COMIN PEEPZ. Just kidding, but i admit that it is pretty...
Interesting, how three hurricanes can form in such a short time frame.
Not saying that it's a good thing, i can imagine the terrors of a category 5 hurricane
heading my way ._.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol

Uhm, Hurricane Fey/Gay was pretty annoying, setting the world record for the drunkest / most indecisive hurricane ever. "HURF, LET ME TURN AROUND 4 TIMES AND HIT MANY PARTS OF FLORIDA LOL LOL LOL!!!ONE!!!SHIFT!!!!" Hanna made land fall in North Carolina, just got some rain from it. Ike seems to be heading for the keys and Cuba, but it might turn up and hit the northern part of Florida's sea board like hurricane Gay.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
haha sweet

Im a talk about work :-( (both school and proper) Last night i was doing a close at sizzler (an all you can eat restaronty thing) and i was ment to be finishing at 11pm and i didnt get out till 10 to 12. so now im sleepy! how is that fair? Im a dish pig, why do i gota stay back so late?

Its fathers day in Australia today and i was ment to be doing some stuff 2day but i didnt wake up till 11:30 and i got work at 6! gay.

School... year 11... also sucks... nuf said?
Seriously, what's up with the hurricane smiley?

If you ask me, the dude who made it wants us to have seizures.

I haz a Radioactive fetish.