New leader
I am going to have a little break as being the Leader, It will not be for a long time, maybe a day or two, or a week, 2 weeks maybe, or months?
The new 'temporary' Leader will be Kraetyz.
I have made a set of guidelines for kraetyz as follows:
1: Do not fuck up the clan, or i will fuck you
2: Do not turn people against each other, or i will kill you
3: Do not rape peoples posts/threads with edits, or i will rape you
4: I don't know, so i won't kill you
I WILL STILL BE AROUND, if i see people misbehaving during this time, there will be consequences
Any problems or questions about this, please post.
- Im currently stressed/pissed off/angry/upset
- I want to see kraetyz leadership skills, and to get him more involved
- I was bored
Whatever, this may be temporary, or full, i will have to wait and see.
Last edited by MysticMog; Sep 7, 2008 at 07:06 PM.