Originally Posted by
I studied in a military school
because the average kindergardener in america or europe will have so much to relate to your experience in school right.
Firearms are meant to be dangerous and not used as toys. Children and curious and can be vicious when they want something. Imagine 30 6 year olds swarming a teacher with a gun because they want to play with it.
There was a brilliant video my teacher showed my class about an experiment done with children and firearms. Most of them picked it up and started playing with it (pointing it at eachother, pulling the trigger, e.t.c.) immediately after seeing a presentation on what to do if they see a firearm. I'll try to find it, it was pretty funny too.
Not even considering the fact that the chances of something going wrong before that weapon will even need to be used are like 1:2, do you really think a teacher who isn't exactly going around practicing with firearms everyday is going to be able to use it effectively in a do-or-die situation. More like they'll panic and fuck the situation up even more.
Teachers shouldn't be given weapons, there should be cops in schools to prevent this kind of bullshit from happening. Someone who is actually properly trained to handle the situation, not someone who's going to lie down and scream 'dont shoot, pls dont shoot me'
Originally Posted by Swepples
Also, why are there so many school-shootings in the US?
Because there are so many fucked up kids who have ideals pushed upon them as a child, or they feel like the world hates them or they are the equivalent of what I would call non-christian evangelicals.